Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Right Decision

Most of the parents are very strict in their children when we talk about love. Maybe just because there are concern with their child or lets say they have to study first before they have to be in love their opposite sex. I have already an experience with the same situation before. I have a girlfriend before and our relationship last within 8 months exactly to be specific. But how come we had decided to get separated with each other that we felt the same way? She told me that she should finished her study before have a relationship which told by her parents. She told her that she should choice whether relationship or study?

Well unluckly our relationship is over that time when she told me that she didn’t love me anymore and she should stop our relationship just because of her parents. I can’t understand until now that why there are some parents are not allowing their child to have a relationship even they are already in the College level? Do they can’t have their study as well as having a relationship with their opposite sex?

The least thing to do is to accept what is the decision of your children in having a relationship with their opposite sex. You have to explain what their limitations and what is their risks. You don’t have to be strict with them because sometimes it has a psychological effect to your children. But sometimes I understand why some parent didn’t allow their children to have a relationship while studying, just to focus in only one thing and that is studying and after that they allow them to have a relationship. Just like me I don’t know when should I start and how…...

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